Become a Climatematch Impact Scholar!#


Applications for the 2023 program have closed!


In order to apply, you must:

  • have completed the most recent Climatematch Academy course as a student or a Teaching Assistant.

    • Course completion is validated through certification.

    • Teaching Assistants are joining teams as equal collaborators.

  • be part of a team.

    • Individual applications will not be considered, but see FAQs.

    • There is no maximum size limit for the teams, but every applicant must be part of no more than a single team.

Application process#

1. Expression of interest#

July 27-28, 2023

Upon submission of your project slides at the end of Project Session 9, we ask that you indicate the number of people from your team who are planning to apply for extended computing resources to continue the project. We also ask whether either or both of your Teaching Assistants are interested in joining you, so please discuss this with them before submitting the form!

You will have access to computing resources until the application deadline so that you can ground your project proposal in solid preliminary analysis.

2. Application deadline#

~~August 31, 2023~~ Deadline extended to September 8, 2023

To apply for extended resources, submit a concise two-page project proposal by the deadline. You can find the application form here:

It includes detailed information about the format and content your proposal should have.

The strongest proposals will:

  • directly build on, and be supported by, analyses conducted during the course and the following month;

  • have a clear research focus;

  • connect the climate phenomenon of interest to its socio-economic impact.

3. Application decisions#

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. We will aim to get back to you within 2-3 weeks of proposal submission.

Frequently asked questions#

What should I do if no one else from my project group is planning to continue working on the project?

We understand that not every member of the groups formed during the Climatematch Academy will be able to dedicate time to the project after the course. We therefore encourage students who are left without a team to join forces with another group.

Please browse the submitted projects through the link shared on Discord (#impact-scholars-program) and reach out to the displayed contact person of any project that interests you. The host team reserves the right to decide who can join their team. You are welcome to reach out to multiple teams, but please join and apply as part of only one team.

Can we change the topic of our project?

Yes, but we would still like to see preliminary analyses in your application.

Can I join a different team just because their project more closely relates to my professional interests?

Yes, but please make sure that your former team is aware of this.

How will Climatematch facilitate the reforming of the project groups?

The existing pod channels on Discord will stay open until the end of the program to give teams a private working space.

If a group expands, please post the name of the new team member and the name of the pod/group in #impact-scholars-program or raise a ticket with the same information. Please make sure to tag @CISP organizers. We can then add new members to the existing pod channels to facilitate team communication.

At the start of the program, we will create additional, pod-independent spaces for teams to communicate internally and with other teams working on related topics/datasets.

What mentorship will be provided?

We will try our best to provide groups with the kind of mentorship that matches their needs and preferences. To give us an idea of what those are, we have included a few questions about mentorship in the application form. These questions will not influence application outcome.